CHRISTIAN BENRUD (7/3/1887 – 9/16/1953)
Christian Leonard Benrud was born near Cashton, WI, son of Anton and Maria (Dokken) Benrud. He was baptized and confirmed at the Immanuel Lutheran Church at Cashton. He attended the Woodard school. In 1905, he married Clara Slette (1880-1911). On March 1, 1912, he married Minnie Baglien (1884-1967), and they farmed in the Westby area until 1919, when they moved to the Bethlehem area near Hawarden, Sask. He farmed there until 1924, when they moved back to Wisconsin where he farmed in the Timber Coulee area until his death in 1953. He was a deacon at Skogdalen Lutheran Church, and also custodian for 23 years.
Chris and Clara Benrud had three sons: Waldo (1906-1997); Clifford (1909- ); and Clarence (1911- ).
Chris and Minnie Benrud had four children: Borghild, Mrs. Kenneth Jothen (1913- ); Valborg, Mrs. Joseph Jothen ( ); Paul (1918-1973); and Carl (1921-1997).
Burial Locations
Christian and Minnie Benrud are buried at Skogdalen Lutheran Church Cemetery in Timber Coulee, WI.
Clara Benrud is buried at North Coon Prairie Cemetery in Newry, WI.